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Introducing the Wonderful World of Caviar

Caviar is the salted and matured eggs, or roe, of the female sturgeon fish. The eggs are usually a pearly greyish-black colour and may vary in size. The delicacy is found all over the world, but often found in the Caspian Sea near Russia and is usually processed both there and in Iran.

Caviar has several varieties, all of which are produced by different species of sturgeon. These different Sturgeon make it easier to grade caviar in terms of its exclusivity and price. For instance, Beluga is the most exclusive and expensive of all. It is soft, clear and glossy. Osetra is medium sized and grey/brown colour with a nutty flavour. Sevruga is usually smaller in size compared to Osetra and is a bit saltier. Sterlet consists of small golden eggs whixh is why it once harvested exclusively for the enjoyment of royalty. Cheaper caviars are also available. This includes Lumpfish caviar, American caviar, Whitefish caviar, Salmon caviar, Tarama caviar and Trout caviar.

Caviar has numerous health benefits. For instance, it is rich in Vitamin A, D, Zinc, Potassium and Omega 3 – fatty acids used to aid in depression, reduce signs of ageing and boost the immune system. It is also known to cure hangovers due to its high content of acetylcholine. Caviar is also recommended for patients who have undergone surgery or chemotherapy as it is an excellent source of haemoglobin.

Caviar tastes best when served as soon as possible after purchase. Be sure you buy only the Caviar you are going to use as it is an extremely perishable item. Unopened and refrigerated caviar will last for 4-6 weeks while if left opened and exposed it may last for only 3-4 days. For the best possible shelf life, you may want to store it on ice to keep it extra cold. However, it is not recommended to freeze caviar as it might destroy its delicate texture. Caviar is recommended to be eaten on its own and served cold. Preferred methods of serving include its being used to complement toast, potatoes, small pancakes or unsalted crackers.

There are a number of websites that allow you to buy caviar online. Such websites offer a range of caviars at prices that won’t break the bank, which is particularly useful as it allows you can afford to taste many different types before deciding on your favourite which you may later buy at higher prices.

Liam A Brennan
