Mango Chutney
  • 900gm/2lb Mangoes, halved, peeled and stoned
  • 2.5ml/½ tsp of salt
  • 225gm/8oz cooking apples, peeled
  • 300ml/half a pint/1¼ cups distilled malt vinegar
  • 200gm/7oz/1 cup demerara sugar
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 10ml/2 tsp ground ginger
  1. Slice the mango flesh into chunks and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and set aside.
  2. Peel the apples and cut them into quarters, then remove the cores.
  3. Add the malt vinegar and sugar to a pan and heat gently, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved.
  4. Add the apple, onion, mangoes and ginger to the pan and bring to the boil, stirring when needed.
  5. Simmer on a low heat for 50-60 min stirring when needed, and more frequently as the chutney thickens. When the chutney is of a thick consistency, with no excess liquid, turn off the heat.
  6. Transfer the chutney into sterilised mason jars and seal. Leave for at least 14 days. Kept refrigerated, this chutney will last for 9-12 months.
  7. It is a good idea, when trying a new recipe for the first time, not to make a large quantity. There is a possibility that you and your family may not like it, in which case, time, money and effort have been wasted.
  8. All fruit should not be cooked unless they have been washed first. It should be washed immediately before preparation and cooking, but allowing time to drain well.
  9. Always begin cooking on a relatively gentle heat so as to avoid sticking.
  10. Most preserves should be bottled when hot, unless the recipe specifies otherwise.
  11. When storing jars of chutney that you have prepared, always make sure to label them with the nature of the contents and date of preparation.
Recipe by Finesse Corner at