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Do you need dermal fillers?

With all the sun comes the risk of dehydration. One of the most visible side effects is the loss of volume of the skin. The process is worse for elderly who already suffer from a decrease in the collagen underneath the skin.

Loss of this natural collagen causes the skin to sag and fold over itself. Although the process of reduction in body fat under and around facial features is a part of the natural process of aging, it could happen to anyone regardless of their age.

Fortunately, the lack of natural collagen and fat could be corrected by the use of dermal fillers. Dallas has a number of top-notch cosmetic doctors specializing in dermal fillers and their efficient management.

Dermal fillers have been extensively used to sculpt facial features and augment lips, cheeks and chin to the desires shape. In fact, dermal fillers are now preferred to invasive surgical processes. These surgical processes are avoided because of their propensity of damage to the surrounding musculature and nerves.

Dermal fillers have even replaced the infamous facelift operations. These operations were used to tighten loose skin and the underlying muscles to preserve the youthful looks of the patient. Failed facelifts were the stuff of horror stories but successful facelift operations were no improvement. In addition to sometime very visible scars near the ears and the hairline of the patient, there was a high risk of post operation infection and subsequent complications.

In the case of dermal fillers, Dallas is fortunate to be the city where the large number of cosmetic medicine practices ensures that there is a range of dermal fillers at the disposal of the patient. This means that there is a dermal filer to suit the requirements of every patient willing to try out the procedure.

 Questions To Ask Before the Procedure

The first and the most important question is to ask about the qualifications and experience of the person administering the procedure. Ideally, a competent cosmetic doctor should carry out the peocedure.

The second question should be about the impact of the procedure. The doctor should describe to you the impact of the procedure in detail. In particular, the doctor must use models and comparisons pictures (the before-and-after-pictures) to illustrate the finer points.

General availability is one of the best things about dermal fillers. Dallas has a wide network of pharmacies and medical suppliers who provide dermal fillers directly to medical practices.

Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

Though minor, dermal fillers are still a therapeutic procedure that could have unexpected side effects. However, the extent of side effects of dermal fillers includes minor swelling and redness that usually go away within 24 hours.

The procedure is also not recommended for people suffering from skin diseases and open sores.

The impact of the procedure usually lasts for nine to twelve months depending on factors such as the location of the procedure, the type of dermal filler used and the post procedure treatment given to the patient. Doctors, however, recommend that all patients should consider renewal of the procedure as soon as they notice changes in their features.

