There is nothing worse than getting up in the morning and finding silky threads of your hair lying scattered on the bed sheet and pillow. As the day wears on, the problem only takes a turn for the worse. There are subtle signs of hair-fall everywhere, from your comb and towel to your clothes. Whether you are edging dangerously close to patterned baldness or thinning hair, you need to act quickly to prevent the condition from escalating further. To treat any health disorder, you need first know the reason why it is caused. Here 7 reasons why you could be suffering from excessive hair fall.
Stress can be a major culprit behind your hair loss issues. The hectic lifestyle people have today tends to sap out a lot of energy, which invariantly increases stress levels. The day you start feeling your hair is falling out a bit more than the usual, you can put down the blame on stress. Of course, stress may not be the only reason; there are a lot of other things that can go wrong.
Tight Braids
This might be more relevant to women rather than men, but even men are susceptible to losing their hair when they start styling it in tight braids or pony tails. The condition is medically known as traction alopecia, which is caused by chronic pulling of hair.
Hormonal Changes
The fluctuating hormones, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth, can also lead to extensive hair loss. It is not something unheard of postpartum moms experiencing extreme hair loss or even patches of baldness. The condition usually occurs three months after the delivery of baby. There is not much you can do about the condition other than improving your diet and taking more irons. As the body recovers, so will the hair follicles.
Sleep Deprivation
It is not just your eyes that show you are seriously sleep deprived, but also your hair. It’s during sleep that your body gets a proper chance to recover and generate new cells. Sleeping disorder not only plays major havoc with your health, but also leads to baldness overtime.
Physical Trauma
When your body goes through some major shock such as accident, surgery, illness or burn, it can direly disrupt your hair follicles’ growing and resting phase. Sometimes, the hair loss can be as high as 75% or more. The change can take over immediately after the physical stress and sometimes it can takes months before your body actually starts showing any signs of depression.
Hair fall can also be caused due to the number of pills that you have been popping to treat health ailments. Blood thinning medications, oral contraceptives and drugs to treat depression can all lead to severe hair loss. Hair usually starts growing back once you stop taking the medications; if you still see the condition persisting, it is better to seek consultation with an accredited dermatologist.
Weather Condition
Your hair does not respond very well to the drastic changes in the weather condition. Your hair might become more fragile, prone to breakage, dull and limp when exposed to extreme weather. Deep conditioning can work as a protective barrier for your hair.
Knowing the reasons why your hair is falling out in clumps and addressing them can do a wondrous job in getting your mane back to its lustrous condition.
Helen Judi