With so many excuses some people have for not going to the gym or waking up early for a morning jog, it is important that they are cautious of what they put inside their mouths, particularly any snacks that they indulge on every day. When it comes to snacking, it is important that you look for snacks that are not only healthy, but perform several functions for your body, such as healthy snacks that burn fats, that fill you up easily (especially for weight watchers), and that are good for the heart. What are some types of these snacks that you need to stock up on?
Those That Burn Fats
If you want snacks that burn fats, look for snacks high in protein. Protein energizes the body during exercise, and as such, can speed up the burning of fat muscles. Protein-rich snacks are best for weight watchers as it fuels the growth of lean muscle mass, which is a potent source of energy for speeding up your metabolic rate. Spike up your metabolism by consuming healthy snacks such as oatmeal, a lean meat burgers, low-fat cheeses, baked lentils, fruits with low-fat cottage cheese, trail mix, and pumpkin seeds. All these healthy snacks are easily available at supermarkets and convenience stores.
Those That Fill You Up
As much as people want to enjoy snack hour, there is always that fear of overeating. Luckily, there are snacks that can easily fill you up. These snacks usually include fruits such as apples, bananas, and avocados. If you want to enjoy these filling fruit snacks with convenience, there are sliced fruit snack packs that you can buy from your local grocer’s market or health store. There are sliced apples and bananas that have been baked to look and feel like chips. There are also dried mangoes that make for great healthy fruit snacks during snack hour. Hard boiled eggs, peanuts, almonds, and oatmeal are also examples of snacks that can easily fill you up even with just small portions.
Those That Are Good for the Heart
Heart-healthy snacks are ideal for people suffering from hypertension and serious heart conditions. Even if you do not have any medical heart ailments, it is important to watch over your heart as complications tend to be considered silent killers; you may not have symptoms to alert you. But when you do, there is a very good chance of recovering easily and completely. If you want heart-healthy snack alternatives, try soy products like tofu, walnuts, raisins, and fruits such as avocados and mangoes. The key element in heart-healthy snacks is the fiber content. The more fiber the snack has, the better it is for your heart.
If you want informed snacking decisions, always read the label at the back of the snack pack you are eating. Consult a dietitian for that extra peace of mind if you want to spend your snack hour right.
Wendy W James