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5 Ways to Make an Anti-Aging Neck Cream Work the Best

When the skin on your neck starts to lose its elasticity, an anti-aging neck cream becomes your most trusted ally. Reduced collagen production, skin damage caused by the sun and the normal loss of skin moisture are causes of aging skin. These manifestations lead to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as sagging of your neck area. The pull of gravity also contributes to the sagging of the neck skin. If you are ignoring your neck in your skin care regimen or using your face cream on your neck, you may need to change your style.

Why Do You Need a Neck Cream?

Before you think of using a neck cream, you need to understand why the skin around your neck gets the first signs of an aging skin. The skin on your neck is softer and more sensitive. Your neck is often exposed to the UV rays of the sun which is extremely damaging to the skin. Too much exposure to the sun will cause your skin to be dehydrated. It is quite difficult to protect the skin in your neck area from the sun, unless you always want to wear a turtle neck shirt.

Applying the neck cream the right way will reduce the appearance of dry, sagging and wrinkled skin. It will make the cream work at its best.

  • Apply the cream in the morning before you go out in the sun. The moisturizing properties of the cream will keep your skin young and glowing.
  • To get the best results from your anti-aging cream, use both your hands in spreading the cream on your neck. Massage your skin with upward strokes. The upward movement of your hands will tighten and tone your skin on the neck.
  • Your neck cream will work better if you do not smoke. Inhaling cigarette smoke damages the collagen your skin produces. Smoking also robs your skin of much-needed oxygen.
  • Start using the skin cream with at least an SPF 30 when you are in your 30s.This is before the skin on your neck area has started to sag.
  • Include antioxidant, protein, whole wheat and omega-3 rich foods in your diet. Also do some neck exercises.

Why Should You Use a Separate Anti-Aging Cream?

More and more women are now including the neck area in their skin care regimen. Use a separate anti-aging cream for your neck and face. Isn’t the neck “part” of the face? Neglect and the physical structure of the skin on your neck, is the reason you need a separate anti-aging neck cream.

Wayne John Bond
