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Why Does Your Child Stutter, and How to Treat Stuttering in Your Child

Each and every child is born having a genetic makeup that contributes to his or her probability of stuttering. To study to speak fluently, a child’s brain must create many different neural circuits, and these circuits ought to interact in incredibly precise and rapid approaches. Stuttering emerges in childhood as a symptom that the brain’s neural circuits for speech are not getting wired commonly. Because of this, early intervention is critical, because by shaping the child’s experience, the ongoing wiring procedure within the child’s rapidly developing brain might be altered for the better. The longer the stuttering symptoms persist in early childhood, the more challenging it can be to modify the brain’s wiring, and stuttering becomes a chronic, lifelong issue.

Stuttering can emerge at any childhood stage, but most commonly between the ages of two and five when about one in twenty children stutter. This obviously coincides with a period characterized by the rapid development of language capabilities. At first it affects twice as many boys as girls. Later, as more girls than boys recover, boys who stutter outnumber girls who stutter by as many as five to 1. Stuttering could emerge gradually, but often develops all of a sudden. Early Intervention provides a high likelihood of recovery. For young children small modifications in the speaking and listening atmosphere within the family household and in school can reduce anxiety levels and support fluency by making the children feel supported.

In older children stuttering could be more than just a speech difficulty. Feelings concerning the stutter as well as other psychological aspects such as self-esteem and emotional pressure may worsen the stuttering difficulty.

It was once thought that parents’ behaviour caused stuttering in the child. Now research proves that parents do not cause stuttering and that this old fashioned view was incorrect, though it may well nevertheless be held by some uninformed folks and trigger considerable distress for parents. Nevertheless, we do know that parents play a very important role in assisting their children to stop stuttering. By managing the speaking and listening environment, parents are able to decrease the emotional impact of stuttering on children, eventually completely treating stuttering in their children.

There are many ways to treat stuttering in children. Speech language pathologists are increasingly recommending stuttering support groups as an integral part of speech therapy. Stuttering support groups are a proven way to build self-confidence, practice speaking in a safe environment, and explore new ways to cope with stuttering.

Drew M Go
