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Tips for Managing your Naturally Curly Tresses Throughout the Summer Time

Summer hair care is more important than we know. In fact, it is just as important as caring for hair in the winter and other seasons of the year. There are just a few small changes that need to be made in the summer to have optimum hair care. Think of it like our skin. Have you ever noticed that your skin tends to have different needs when the seasons transition? My personal skin regiment throughout the year involves a dry skin care routine. However, throughout the onset of the summer months my skin demands a combination skin care regiment. Without this change my skin begs me to make a change. The same rules apply to our hair. Summer hair care requires moisture, protection, and gentle manipulation. Without this, your naturally curly hair will beg for a change!


Summer sun could scorch your delicate curls, especially if your hair is very porous, but non-porous hair types are not exempt. This is because, just as water evaporates in the sun, the same happens to the moisture in your hair. This vaporization requires frequent replenishing to your naturally curly hair. Your product arsenal should include a leave-in conditioner to support your hair care regiment of moisture rich shampoos and hydrating deep treatments, at least once a month. Apply your leave-in conditioner at least once a day to stay hydrated. Complete hair care should always be viewed holistically, therefore be sure to drink lots of water.


Travel plans shouldn’t interfere with your hair care routine. Simply tweak a few things to stay on track with your hair care. Before traveling, consider the climate in which you vacay. If the weather is extremely dry, like in Texas or Arizona, choose a style that protects your ends and allows easy moisturizing. Now is also a good time to look for SPF protection within your styling products to shield from UVA, UVB rays and other elements in the environment.

Gentle Manipulation

Handle your hair gently in the summer months. It is our tendency to wear our hair in “Wash and Go” styles, full natural curls, twist outs and braid outs, as opposed to a concealed or protective style. For summer styling, protect your ends by sealing with moisturizing oils like coconut or argan oil. These oils will add moisture, protect from the elements and will not block moisture from your strands. Coconut oil also provides a strengthening benefit; perfect!

So, do you feel armed and ready to face the heat this summer!

Joseph Caron