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Three Tips for Healthier Nails

There are people who struggle who keep their nails healthy. Some of them just do not know how to conduct themselves to keep the nails strong and healthy. Luckily for them, this article is aimed at educating them on such matters. Below are some of the tips on what they can do.

1. Always apply moisturizer to your hands

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to have healthy nails and hands. Hydrated hands are always the best. Nothing works better for dry hands than applying moisturizeron a daily basis in order to keep them healthy. Rub some lotion to the nails to moisturize your nails. Before you apply the moisturizer, make sure your hands are clean. Do not apply the moisturizer on wet hands though. It will not be effective.

2. Keep your fingers dry and avoid chemical cleaners

Fingers are highly affected by too much water. Therefore, try not to get into contact with water regularly in cases such hand washing. Constant contact in water and drying it off will dehydrate the nail beds. This causes the nails to become brittle and dry which can lead to them cracking. This is everyone’s nightmare. In some instances they even start peeling off.

Ensure that you always wear gloves when you are doing dishes, cleaning and especially when handling harsh detergents such as detergents. The thing with detergents is that they dehydrate the fingers and the hand. This will make the hand be very dry. Thus, in order to avoid this, wear gloves to protect the hands. In this respect, also wear gloves when gardening to avoid the soil from damaging the nails.

3. Do not use the nails as a weapon or a tool

Nails are very special in the body of a human being. Just like Essie Weingarten said “Nails are like Jewels, don not use them as tools”, this is a fact. There are so many uses for nails and there is no need to use them for a role they were not designed to do. Most of us use the nail to scratch off a sticker label, open a diet drinks can or to open up a box. It is important to note that by applying any force or stress on the nail, this can cause to an injury which is not good. The main use of nails is to protect the finger tips from injury. Take care of the nails and they will return the favor.

Becky Watson