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Definition of Hypothyroidism – The Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Hypothyroidism is a common condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Though most common in people above the age of fifty, it can still affect those under the age of fifty, including children who have a condition where they are born without a thyroid gland or a malfunctioning gland. The chances of heart disease and diabetes are increased by hypothyroidism as it increases cholesterol levels.

Long term thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease is often the cause of hypothyroidism. This is where the body’s natural defense mechanism does not recognize the thyroid gland, thus attacks it as if it is a foreign element within the body.

Let’s look at some more causes of hypothyroidism:

Bad Diet – Unhealthy eating practices, such as eating sugary and fatty foods can cause damage to the thyroid glands.

Viral or Autoimmune Thryoiditis – This condition can lead to hypothyroidism.

Congenital Hypothyroidism – This is a cause found among children. It is when a child is born without a thyroid gland or has a dysfunctional gland.

Radiation – Certain radiation treatments can damage the thyroid gland.

Surgery – The surgical removal of the thyroid gland due to cancer of other conditions.

Medications – Certain medications can cause an under active thyroid. Some medications include lithium, iodides and nitroprussides.

Pituitary gland – The malfunction of the pituitary gland, though rare, can be a cause of hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism can range greatly. Everything from a lack of energy to overly dry skin issues.

Here is a list of common symptoms:

• Fatigue and body weakness

• Muscle cramps

• Constipation

• Unusual Weight gain or difficulty in losing weight

• Poor appetite

• Goiter (enlarged thyroid-gland)

• Dry skin and hair loss

• Irregular or even heavy menstruation.

• Depression and memory loss

• Sluggishness and slowed mental activity

• Increased blood ldl cholesterol levels

Treatments for hypothyroidism:

Thyroid Hormone Medication. Levothyroxine is the ingredient contained in the most trusted synthetic medication for treatment. After starting the treatment, proper dosage levels need to be adjusted to ensure the suitable amount is met. Lifetime treatment through medication may be necessary if hypothyroidism is the result of Hashimoto’s disease.

Natural Treatment Remedies. There are natural treatment options available which can be very effective. Kelp, Vitamin B-complex, zinc, L-tyrosine, selenium, bladderwrack are common all natural remedies. In the case of kelp, it is the consumption of iodine, which kelp is rich in, which is key.

Another important aspect of treatment, is regular exercise and a good, balanced, clean diet. As stated above, fatty and sugary foods are often causes of this condition, and need to be eliminated or cut down drastically as part of treatment.

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