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Fitness & Sports

Any Exercise Is Good Exercise

According to my pedometer, every day I walk around seven thousand steps of my ten thousand steps target by walking to and from work. Walking is a fantastic way to get exercise and it is low impact.

Any exercise is good exercise. In my current physical condition I am unable to cope with high impact exercise such as running or even team sports, but if you are starting from scratch like me, your fitness levels will take time to improve and in the beginning you may only be able to exercise in small amounts. Do not let this discourage you.

In the early days as you begin your new fitness regime, it is important to exercise safely. Do not put yourself in danger by doing too much, becoming too tired and even feeling unwell. Over exertion can feel very uncomfortable and may dissuade you from engaging in ongoing exercise, which is the only way to make and maintain significant improvements in your fitness levels.

It is important not to judge yourself against the fitness levels of others. If you are very unfit you will be comparing yourself to people who have worked at their fitness levels over a much longer period of time and they may be lucky enough to have a high level of natural fitness. What matters is what you are able to do and that you consistently exercise in a safe manner to make physical gains and improvements. You will soon close the gap between you and your fitter colleagues by regularly exercising.

The key to improving your fitness is to consistently push your body to work harder. In the beginning restrict yourself to light exercise only, then gradually increase the intensity of your work outs so you are working your body harder and harder. You should never reach a point where you feel close to passing out or that you must lie on the ground to recover. If you reach this point you over exerted yourself and this is not recommended.

There are as many fitness regime ideas as there are diet programs, but a sensible programme of regular training and working up a sweat will see you make consistent improvements to your fitness and physical conditioning. Couple this new fitness regime with an improved and more balanced diet and the gains will multiply. You should be aiming for a lifestyle change where fitness, training and a good diet plays a big part.

In the beginning, just get moving. Any exercise is good exercise, compared to not doing any training at all.

Malcolm Clarke